Oct 31: Holy-ween

Gig tonight!

I’m up for it – just. I’ve got that feeling when you think you are going to be more ill, but you’re not, but you think you should be, but it’s on the verge of being ill, your wiped, but not wiped enough to take you down, you feel ill, but not ‘need looking after’ ill, but you feel like it’s about to happen, but it hasn’t happened yet.

That cover it?

Whichever way, I had a practice earlier in the week, and my voice was doing some very strange things that usually make nice noises when I try and sing. This is not the ideal position to be in going into a gig! However, my git-tarrin fingers are good to go, and I had a belt-out in the car on the way home and the voice is responding a little more like it should. Sore throat be damned! I’m giving it everything left tonight, I gots me some nervous tension to work off and that usually means an emotional performance of some description…this could go either way…lets find out!

In other news – end of a week I’ll be happy to relegate to “glad it’s over”. Probably too many things going on for my cold-addled brain, and the broken sleep continues which is exacerbating things. I’ve been here before, nothing to worry about particularly, but when you get unsettling things happening at work, and the time/energy needed for work means you can’t really use the usual tension relievers, things get backed up. Add illness into that – Bollox! So, weekend plan is some DIY and recovery! Apparently, Orange Lucozade will help, might try it.

Today certainly wasn’t all hectic. Had a great chat this morning with a fellow Manager-type who had the tremendous idea of going for a wander around the site whilst we exchanged experiences;


Believe – this is where I work!

 There is always a way to take the edge off – most times, nature will provide it 🙂

 Aside: Hit 100 Blog posts yesterday?! Holy **ck! Where did all that go? There HAS to be some filler in there?!?!!!

Oct 30: Eco-nomics

OK – I am officially beginning to get excited about Solar Power.


Quite simple really. It’s understood to be a cheap and relatively low eco-cost option to provide power, however, for many reasons it has been very expensive to install alongside being very unfashionable for large scale deployments. Coal and Oil are easier, and therefore, cheaper and a Global Economy that is defined by quaterly financial results, long term perspective is quite simply an overhead to short term financial growth.

So, when I read an article like this I start to feel like there is a genuine hope to curb the near crippling climate change being contributed to by greedy greedy fossil fuel burning. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a user of power just the same as everyone. As winter draws in I’m more and more reliant on devices that heat things up, and devices that keep things fresh. Electricity is an absolute necessity of modern living, and I’m a modern liver….what did I just say? Is that even a word in that context? ‘tevs, I’ve got a point to make…

Harnessing the power of the biggest water heater within range, that has a lifespan of a few more million years, seems to be a very logical solution. There are others that look like simplistic solutions and are being researched and implemented, Geothermal is my favourite – Go Iceland! So it’s likely that a combined use of, for all all intents and purposes, naturally occurring power sources that have a significantly larger lifespan than fossil fuels is the way forward.

I return to my starting point. It’s logical, but since all of human endeavor is currently preoccupied with that magnificently made up concept; “Profit”, unless it’s profitable, it will not happen in a scale big enough to make any real impact.

When I read the above articles, it offers me hope. I can work with that. The first predicts that by 2050 solar will be on parity and/or cheaper that alternatives. Yeah right, once a big enough company clocks that it can corner the solar power market – it’s on! And for a pleasant change, all that effort that is usually focused on lining pockets is going to go toward the benefit of the human race for a bit. Splendid.

Capitalism would work significantly better if it’s measurements were not just financial eh? Imagine if companies were measured by contribution to society, advancement of beneficial technologies, thought leadership and financial viability. I know, I know – pipe dreams, but dudes…large scale solar power was laughed at but a few years ago…

It could happen…

For now, there is hope that we can keep the lights on;


Vegas Baby!

…which is nice.

Oct 29: Brain-fry

I thought after yesterdays closing out of a long running item, today I would feel free like a bird!

I did actually, from the time I woke up to the time I arrived in the office.

That was it.


Hey ho, that’s the way she goes sometimes, and lets be honest, life would be pretty boring if it always went to plan and I’m destructive when I’m bored. So there is even a bright side to spending most of the day being grumpy, with a slight inflection of more-grumpy. Furrowed brow anyone?

So, as usual, I tried to channel the grump into something more positive.

It didn’t work specifically, but thankfully I’m quite tired so by the end of the day I’d actually been quite productive and to be honest, I’d completely run out of energy to be grumpy anymore. Which was nice.

I’m having withdrawal symptoms from no boarding action. I’m amped for Octobers challenge, but I’m looking longingly at my longboard when I get in from work and it’s dark outside, and rainy…Oh to be bombing around! I’m going to go back to sticking boards in the boot of the car on the off chance that a mini-shred will appear – I like my own plan! I’ll report back if I get any cheeky shreds in!!


Longboard Poke.

 The above board is good for carving, which is a surfing technique, and it really helps in exercising those little-used balancy-core muscles. I’m hankering, I can tell! Yet another reason to get up to Balogne’s and have a bomb down the lane/meet the new BigDawg, and generally catch up.

 Anyways, all a bit sleepy. Had a very nice end to the evening though, certainly belied the general challenge of the day. There is always tomorrow, you never know, tomorrow might shape up a little better…

 Sleep would be good. I’d like some of that…REM Sleep? Well that’s just crazy talk 😉

Oct 28: League-all

Well, that was interesting.

I have encountered the UK Legal system closely a couple of times now. I have been on Jury Service previously, and now part of a Tribunal process.

The law, in it’s many facets, plays a critical role in our society. I’m not sure how much I consciously acknowledge it’s existence, or it’s influence, but it’s days like today that I am reminded of it’s importance. I’m not going to go into detail at all, but I kinda want to share a musing I had as the day progressed.

It’s pretty simple really; Imagine a society where there was no recourse at all against powerful entities.

The Tribunal system in the UK is one of the ways by which individuals of limited means can address potential dodgy behaviour by employers. I’d heard numerous descriptions of Tribunals over the years, more often than not in a negative capacity associated with cost and overhead. That is in itself an interesting observation, the influence of capitalism perhaps 😉 But whichever way, when I picture a society where there is no recourse for exploitation, sexism, discrimination, flouting basic health and safety I don’t get a warm fuzzy feeling…

My experiences with the Tribunal system demonstrated that the process is thorough, unbiased and involves highly skilled folks. Evidence is reviewed, discussed, debated, questioned and processed in detail. I can see how folk who do not have a vested interest in the particular case would find this boring and hard going, and might report that in a negative light, but it goes to the very essence of reviewing the evidence – all relevant evidence needs to be reviewed before rulings/decisions can be made. It makes sense, and critically, makes sure all angles are covered.

I also learned that there are varying levels of court systems that provide sufficient authority to rule on different cases. It’s intricate, and expensive I suspect. However, solicitors are discouraged from discussion of any kind of costs to ensure that claimants are not intimidated by large scale debts should the pursuit of their case be prolonged or fail. Solicitors can be struck off for being overly aggressive or intimidating, and in an example I was told today, for indicating inaccurate details in the legal costs (that’s not allowed, and appears to be enforced rigorously). Good stuff indeed.

This part of the legal system is alive and well, and representing folks. It’s a good thing, and I am reassured by it’s presence.

I’m also knackered. I am hopeful that the completion of this episode will facilitate a good nights sleep, but for now, I’m going to have one of these;



…and switch my brain off for a while – Adios!

Oct 27: Constant-teen

I’ve mentioned the Hellblazer comics a couple of times prior to this, and I also alluded to the fact that I was keen to see the new TV series…

Well, it’s aired, and I’ve watched it. Any good?

Yeah, not bad….phew! My grumpy day would have got more grumpy if it had desecrated the complex and unique character that is; John Constantine.

The show has potential, it provided some interesting tweaks to the canon which could prove interesting, and very likely helped with the transition from Graphic Novel. He’s the correct blend of scouser and cockney, he’s cockey, he’s canny, and critically, he’s already used his catch phrase: “Bollox!” – sweet!

Tomorrow I am in court. Nothing I did, or didn’t do, it’s a work thing and it’s been looming around the edges for quite a while. Given recent inability to get a good nights sleep, I wonder how much this event has been weighing on my mind. It’s strange, I don’t feel particularly strung out or overtly more stressed than usual, but given that this kind of thing can creep up, perhaps being cross examined tomorrow will result in a large scale de-stress. I could certainly ‘kin use a good nights kip, it’s beginning to make me grumpy. I don’t like being grumpy, which makes me more grumpy – you can see how that ends up…

On a slightly more cheery note;


Saw this in Vegas – if you know any sluts, they need looking after too!

Oct 26: Anuzzer

The inspiration was tangible today, particularly, visually – thus proving that motivation can come in many forms…

Another song came out of a session this afternoon. I had struggled to find the right mood today, and the ideas just weren’t flowing in a way that made sense to the content I was looking for. It wasn’t working. A break and a new perspective, then a nudge int he right direction and I ended up at the piano. The Piano of all places?! That’s not my instrument! I have been tinkering a bit over the last few months, but something kind of clicked and some chords started to form, then some words, and now there’s a 2/3rds done song.

Unexpected, and very welcome!

Got to go an see Mogwai at the Brighton Dome this evening. Dave S couldn’t come (gutted – we have seen the Scottish Lads many times), but Elliot, Sean and I trooped down to Brighton and got aurally blown away by the masters of the Quite/Loud/Huge;


Rrrrrraaaaarrrrwwwwwwwwwooooooowwwwwwwwwnnnnnnnngggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrwwwooooooooooooooo (actual noise translation)

 I was particularly happy to hear ‘2 Rights make 1 Wrong’, ‘We’re no Here’ and the closer; ‘Mogwai Fear Satan’. The last track made most of the audience physically jump when the full band come crashing in after a ramp down in dynamics – visceral stuff!!!

Oct 25: Source-y

Deerstalker in hand, it was time to work out the source of all the deceased woodlice…


Status: graveyard shift

The entryway is was littered with curled up, belly up woodlice. If I’d been inattentive I could have put this down to not noticing the gradual build up, but given that I’m pretty paranoid about Deathwatch Beetles I’ve been closely monitoring all the insect activity in Le Shatow. The Spider Bro’s have been giving me regular updates, and the front line holds well. However, over the last 5 days the explosion of carcasses in the porch was very quick, and highly unusual!

 I wasn’t sure of the full extent of the situation, so the contents of the porch needed to be removed…


Step 1: and more carcasses…


Step 2: All removables are out, and still yet more death.

 There were also a bunch of old cobwebs, dust and a centipede. Apart from that, it’s only Woodlice that litter the floor… No other bodies. No rear-guard Spider Bro’s, and no Deathwatch Beetles. Just the Armadillo’s?

 Time to apply logic.

 It’s autumn and the temperature has dropped significantly. Over the last week or so there have been a couple of nights when it was down to 5 or 6 degrees. If you were a mini armadillo, what would you do? Aye – head inside!

 Makes sense that these chaps headed in via this;


Come on in guys, the temperature is…..colder than you thought…

 The porch gets as cold as the outside temperature overnight. You don’t get the wind chill, but you ain’t gettin’ warm….


 The chaps headed inside, but the temperature got them anyways. Cycle of life. There was no sanctuary here chaps…

 <last post>

 All the troops have been returned to the soil.

 The porch is clean.

 I’m going for a beer…

Oct 24: Week-end

Oh yeah – Le Weekend arrives, and none too soon.

Man, I’ve been struggling to concentrate all week. Couple of crappy nights sleep early in the week didn’t help, but generally, I’ve been distracted. I’m not bothered, it happens. My brain in all it’s glory, like everyone’s, has it’s foibles and when it needs to recharge, it does.

Thankfully, experience can carry one through and in terms of original thinking, I’ve not been too taxed this week. I suspect next week will test me a little more and though I’m no seer – I’m predicting a completely nuts run in to year end this year.

Amongst the work frenzy and various challenges I’ll be undertaking, I need to source a new vehicle.

I can’t decide between buying another slightly older car and running it into the ground as I have done in prior inversions, or, finally treating myself a little and getting something altogether more spanky… I’d love a Jag, I’d love a Landy, a Volvo would fit the bill… oooooh decisions decisions – first world problem and no mistakin’ 😉

It’s been a lovely end to the week, capped of royally with a Cheese Mission which resulted in this;


Cheeeeeeeeze – and Vin Rouge – Obvs!

 So glad I’m not in August.

 The weather is beginning to turn, it’s getting colder and it appears that we are barreling towards November. It’s good photo season and I’m going to try for a few shots tomorrow. Leaves are interesting at the best of times, particularly so in Autumn… Fine photo ops, so I’d best get out there.

 Hmmm – bit random today?!

 I should probably be in bed….

Oct 23: High-er

Ahhhhhh splendid! I’ve nailed down the November challenge – obviously, more will be revealed in November, but suffice as to say, I’m looking forward to it.

Now, I have a couple more songs to finish off this weekend, I might even squeak a sixth, whichever way, it will be a journey of discovery. It looks to be that driving home is a rich source of song ideas?! Yep – didn’t see that one coming! I don’t know why, but on the way home I seem to have a creative shunt and a fragments of thoughts coalesce into actual ideas… Works for me!

Today an achievement was made in the team. I have been a contributor to what has been Pride Rock, The Towering Inferno, The Plinth for PHP Elephant, Josie’s Death Tower, Vegas Heights, and finally, the Graze Box Tower. Today, the tower reached a milestone in it’s various incarnations… It went above 5’5″, or as Josie announced; “YAAAAY – It’s bigger than ME!”;


Not bad, not bad at all…

 There has also the creation of Design Persona “The Unicorn”. I have no idea where the inspiration came from, but this persona’s hobbies include “Just unicorn things”, and farts rainbows…at least I think that’s what it was all about…. Whichever way, the pressures of daily work are clearly leaking out the sides is a most entertaining fashion. I spent an hour discussing the Chart Meister Fuhrer and a complete album of songs written about IBM products. Go figure.

 It’s been that kind of day 🙂

Oct 22: Arm-adillos

My porch has turned into an Armadillo graveyard.


Mini Armadillo’s – or ‘Woodlice’ as some might call them.

 I have no idea why these creatures have decided to end it all in my porch. It’s not the Spiders, I asked.

 I’m going to have to empty the porch at the weekend and try to establish the root cause. It could be a vagrant Wasp. I know they kill for the sake of it. I haven’t heard any buzzing, so I’m skeptical of that theory. It could be a longer term side effect of ‘The Great Deathwatch Beetle Cull’ earlier this year, my thinking going to the fact that they are eating sprayed wood and consequently going belly-up. That actually has merit. I spotted a random Deathwatch Beetle crawling up a piece of wood that is in the kitchen.

 It was easy to catch, soon prostrated itself and spazzed out in the ‘toxicated’ fashion, so it’s feasible that the spray is still doing it’s thang. The Spider Crew seem to be happy, although, perhaps a little over confident. One chap had top be reassigned to Garden Patrol due to sitting atop the standard lamp shade and soundly freaking out a guest in a staring contest. This behaviour is not consistent with the spiderly conduct becoming of a member for of the Shatow Spider Corps… Garden Patrol for you fella…

 It’s been a long day. I’m trying to get my head around the concept of High-Margin Cloud Business.

 Lets face it, my tiny brain is not equipped for such large scale thinking, I’m going to return to my comfort zone and consider the Argos Catalogue.